Song Hau Industrial Park

Aug 02, 2021

Song Hau Industrial Park

Investor: selecting and inviting industrial park investors

Location: Ke Sach district, Soc Trang province

Area: 286 hectares.


Song Hau - Soc Trang Industrial Park has been approved by the Prime Minister according to Notice No. 239/TB-VPCP dated May 26, 2017 of the Government Office.



The research site, supplemented and included in the planning of Song Hau - Soc Trang Industrial Park in An Lac Town, Ke Sach district has a very convenient location in terms of water and land transportation and has a very high development connection. close to Hau Giang province and Can Tho city).


Estimated scale of the industrial zone is about 286 hectares (including 6 hectares of land for roads to the Hau River and the pier).


In addition, planning 20 hectares of land for housing, commerce - services for the industrial zone.

       The current land use status of Song Hau Industrial Park is mostly crop land and garden land; As follows:

         - 217.36 ha of land for growing sugar cane, bananas and fruit trees (76%);

         - 42.9 ha of land for growing crops (15%).

         - 2.29 ha of residential land (0.8%);


National One Stop Services and Investments Organization

Office: Parkview, 5A Huu Nghi Ave, VSIP 1, Binh Hoa Ward, Thuan An City, Binh Duong.

  1. Ms Hien Do – 0908 069 399 –
  2. Mr Cuong Phan – 0913 855 528 –
  3. Ms. Truc Tran – 0396 296 580 –

