Policy of tax
Corporate income tax
Enjoy the 10% corporate income tax rate applied for 15 years from the time the project starts its business operation; Being exempt from corporate income tax for 04 years from the date of having taxable income and reducing 50% of payable tax amount for the next 9 years.
* Import Tax:
To be exempt from import tax for 5 years from the beginning of production for production materials, supplies, components and semi-finished products that must be imported because they cannot be produced domestically.
Exemption from import tax on the following items: goods to create fixed assets of the project (including: equipment, machinery; specialized means of transport; components, details, loose parts, spare parts; raw materials; raw materials and supplies that cannot be produced domestically), goods manufactured or processed from non-tariff zones without using foreign raw materials and components when imported into Vietnam;
Exemption from import tax for 5 years from the date of commencement of production: Goods manufactured and processed in a non-tariff zone using raw materials and components imported from abroad of a project with a total investment capital of over VND 20 billion.
Exemption from export tax: Goods manufactured, processed, recycled or assembled in non-tariff zones when exported abroad; construction materials from inland Vietnam or from other functional zones into the non-tariff zone for the construction, repair and maintenance of common infrastructure in the non-tariff zone; Goods and services originating from inland Vietnam are exported to and only used within the Cau Treo International Border Gate Economic Zone.
Goods exported from non-tariff zones to foreign countries, imported from abroad into non-tariff zones and used only in non-tariff zones, goods brought from one non-tariff zone to another are subject to not subject to import and export tax.
personal income tax
50% reduction of personal income tax for people subject to personal income tax (including Vietnamese and foreigners).
V.a.t tax:
Objects not subject to value-added tax: Goods and services exported from non-tariff zones to foreign countries; goods and services produced and consumed in the free trade zone; goods and services imported from abroad and consumed in the free trade zone.
Applying the value-added tax rate of 0% to goods and services from other functional zones and from inland Vietnam exported to the non-tariff zone.
Land lease, land use
- Exemption from land rent and water surface rent for investment projects in the fields of special investment encouragement.
- Exemption from land rent and water surface rent for 15 years from the date of completion and put into use for projects in the fields of investment encouragement.
- Exemption of land rent and water surface rent for 11 years from the date of completion of construction and put into use for the remaining projects.
- 70% discount on land rent and water surface rent.